The clocks have gone forward, the evenings are longer, the first woodpecker has been heard a few days ago, the sun is still out (well, almost), so it is time for the first barbecue of the year. It is 7.00 pm on the 2nd April and temperature is about 3degrees. Some cheating is needed here. We use one of those gas barbecue thingies. This gets everything going. (Remember saying “We’ll never get one of those. What is wrong with charcoal?”).
The Swiss neighbours are puzzled by this, but probably put it down to a strange Anglo-Saxon ritual. The Swiss are big on barbecues, with the mountain sides and local parks all providing free wood and grills for family outings. But not normally in April.
To further your education on such matters, here is an important piece of advice on the cooking utensil front, when cooking outside in temperatures below 5 degrees. Use a spatula with a plastic handle. Try holding a metal one and you’ll see what I mean.
Some medium steaks, hamburgers, and sausages, with salad and baked potatoes, washed down with some Italian wine, at Chf 3.30 a bottle (less another 20% off, as it was on offer special). Net cost in real money: £1.60.
The snow is still on the mountains, and with the new snow just before Easter, the conditions are still pretty good. Perhaps one more weekend of skiing. Then we have to wait a few weeks before the first flowers start appearing on the mountain side.