Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Google Street

Yesterday I discovered "Google Street". I wrote on Facebook straightaway, "I can see the rubbish bins in my Dad's road". Fantastic. But I am reaching that age, when all this new technology is puzzling. Not threatening or worrying, just puzzling. What is it all for? What is its purpose?

Of course I had to write it on Facebook. I am just not sure why. (Facebook used to give me a headache after 5 minutes. I am beginning to get the hang of it now, although, I still cannot find my own wall)

However, there is an explanation. We oldies (over 40) are not meant to understand this. In fact, we are not even supposed to use them. I read somewhere authoritative (probably the Daily Mail), that we are sad if we have a facebook account.

I am happy now. I am OK with being sad. It makes a change from being a middle aged miserable old something. My next target had been to become old and grumpy. Having made some progress to this goal, I have decided to make my aim to be Sad.

Now where is my iPod?

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