Thursday, January 21, 2010

I am famous or have "Swiss" reinvented customer service

I have always joked that I am constantly mistaken for Mel Gibson. You can see the likeness. I thought that my dream had come true in November, when I was checking in at London City Airport. At the check-in, I was asked "Aren't you someone famous?". "I don't think so, but I am always being mistaken for Mel Gibson" (There I go again, with the usual line).

"I'll remember who you look like in a minute". I am beside myself in anticipation. What will she say. Pierce Bosnan, perhaps. Sean Connery, without a beard, surely. I'll settle for Ewan McGregor. But no. She can't rememember. "I am having a coffee over there", I says, in case she remembers.

Perhaps it is a new line in making your customers feel good. Not a bad idea. Alas it was not to be. Careful though. She might have mistaken me for one of those seven little fellows with Snow White, probably the miserable old know......whatisname. I have forgotten.

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