Saturday, January 9, 2010

No one was using a mobile phone

I was sure that my eyes were deceiving me. No one on the tram was using a mobile phone. This was the the No. 13 tram, you understand, in the evening rush hour in Central Zurich. I checked again. I must have been mistaken.

I looked up and down the tram again, expecting, almost hoping, to see someone among the 100+ people using the ubiquitous and essential accessory. I was waiting to have a sense of normality restored. No - still no moble phones being used.

There was only one explanation. I had been transported back to 1982. I am sure that the same tram would have been running. No - there was a second possibility. The 1990s and 2000s had never happened. Equally plausible (or implausible, I hear you say).

Bahnhof (Station) Enge arrived. Normal Service was restored. People on the platform talking to friends, family, colleagues on their mobiles. Phew. Quite unnerving. Next thing we'll discover that Facebook was an illusion.

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