Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who does the dotted line belong to?

Switzerland loves cyclists. In fact, most forms of exercise are encouraged. The authorities go to great lengths and expense to assist in this. Anyone who has been hiking in Switzerland will acknowledge the richness of information on the walking signs. “Albis – 1 hr 45 mins” has much more information than “2 miles” and then omitting to say that there is a climb up of 1, 250 feet.

Cyclists also well catered for. On many main roads, they are protected from the motorist (the enemy), by a white line, over which the motor car shall not pass.

But who owns the white line. Does the wheel of the bike have to be inside the white line? Must the whole of the body of the cyclist have to be over the white line? Can the wheels of the bike be on the line? What a huge number of questions? I need a lawyer.

Imagine if the motorist has the same idea. Suppose both are entitled to be on the white line. Can a cyclist and a motor car exist in the same space_time co-ordinate?

So, as a cyclist, I stay as far as I can in my cycle lane, so as to avoid a motorist exercising his rights of ownership over the white line. As a driver, I stay away from the cyclist exercising his rights over the line.

Am I allowed to hoot him, as I pass? Not even quietly?

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