Monday, February 22, 2010

What they teach in Ski School

Tobogganists may go on any run and paths, including those used by skiers and walkers. In addition, there are tracks made specifically for them, but these are optional.

Snowboarders must learn to stop and sit down at any point, preferably sitting side by side at the top of slopes and especially where the ski runs narrow.

Under 10s – Queuing at ski lifts is optional. Parents are allowed to follow.

Beginners and Intermediate skiers must learn to ski as close to others. Do not make use of the width of the ski run. Make friends and be close to people, by overtaking and then falling over directly in front of others.

Expert and Intermediate Skiers may take part in a competition to cross directly in front of a beginner and to get as near to the front of their skis as possible. No points are awarded for crossing over the back of the beginner’s skis.

Expert Skiers must make long turns at high speed, to ensure that a deep rut is left. When this freezes over, an inexperienced skier will fall over, creating laughter for all.

General Information. It is important to be able to recover quickly having caused an accident, in order to ski off. Leaving personal details only creates work between insurance companies, and may delay the first beer of the evening.

I am glad that I have got this lot off my chest. Now I can find something else to complain about.

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