I have talked for so long, about cycling from Thalwil to Chur (120 km). When the perfect opportunity came, it had to be done or Grumpy would have to shut up. Good weather, but not too hot and a member of the “Red Candles” to accompany me. PERFIK.
Met at Wannenstrasse at 08.10. Well equipped with water, sandwiches, snacky thingies with too much sugar and healthy nuts. Cycling gloves and helmets. Suncream, sunhat (for stops) and a signed form from Jim Gollan saying that 1) He does not hold Colin Hawker responsible for anything and 2) this was all his idea and 3) Colin Hawker is not such a bad chap, despite what everyone says.
Overnight bag left in the support car, driven by Hazel. And off we go.
http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=3773760 shows the route (but you will need to blow it up a bit)
Thalwil to Richterswil 16 km (coffee and chocci gipfeli pause) Feeling good
Pfäffikon 22 km (Oh yes; charging on)
(short stop at Bollingen)
Rapperswil 27 km (Getting into the groove now)
Schmerikon 37 km (Pause) Feeling OK (ish)
Ziegelbrucke 53 km (lunch and recover) Feeling as if we have done some cycling
Mühlehorn 64 km (Oh, Better than expected).
Mols 68 km (long pause, and photos of the lake)
Walenstadt 75 km – nice lake - time for an ice cream and longer pause. Can we stay here, please? Now it’s beginning to hurt. Next section to Sargans is a steady 1% gradient (don’t laugh) and a 3 mph headwind and feels like climbing up Mount Everest.
Sargans (which is a town that shows its hatred for cyclists, by directing them through a closed off building site) 90 km (I am glad that bit is over)
Landquart 104 km (Knackered. Quick meeting; Jim in the Chair; Colin taking the minutes. IT WAS UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that we cannot stop now. Text Message to Support car, saying we are running 45 minutes behind schedule
More time lost, as we double back. "Jim, I swear that there was a path here last time I was here."
Chur (Athleticum) 118 km Arrive, pretending to look cool and elegant, with a sprint finish at 19.10 for photographs, TV interviews, champagne; book offers; statements that it was not trouble at all etc). Comments from Support Car “You both look white and knackered”- WHAT!!
…and no, you cannot go on to Domat Ems.
(For those who can do maths, 120 km in 10 hrs 40 mins is average of roughly 7 mph. Lance Armstrong – here we come.) Do they have Pauses in the Tour de France?
Followed by beer, wine, fish and chips and peas, chip butties, tomato ketchup, or HP sauce.
But definitely no grappa!!
Another tick in the box!! What’s next? Zurich Triathlon 2011? Better start training.
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