Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Decorations

We have started to put up our Christmas decorations. In Laax, we have a steam train, with flashing coloured lights, which the neighbours appreciate. In Thalwil, we have a 2 foot reindeer also with lights, which is on the Balcony, which I hope is enjoyed by people passing by.

Perhaps the enjoyment that we all have from each others decorations is probably good enough. But in all that, there is not much about the original Christmas story. I have put up the Crib in Laax, which counts and I have decided that the shining stars in our front window must represent something, as well as looking very pretty. If the three wise men could recognise the significance of a star from the East and then follow it, to where Jesus was lying, then I think that their wisdom has a great deal going for it. So I will think of the wise men and their gifts, when I am looking out of window, while I am doing my morning stretching exercises and 12 press ups.

We are putting up our Christmas treet next weekend. I think that we have a fairy for the top. So I can think about God speaking to the Shepherds. I feel better now. That's two things for me to think about.

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