Saturday, December 12, 2009

Clicking in a Railway Waiting Room

I was sitting in a railway waiting room in Gatwick airport station last month. A young professional lady is on her Blackberry, probably sending an email. Each key stroke delivers a sound, a click. Question: Is she

a) oblivious of the sound that it is making
b) knows the blackberry makes a sound, but assumes that no one minds
c) knows that the sound might be distracting for others, but is indifferent
d) knows that the sound is distracting and is looking forward to some verbal encounter with a fellow passenger.

Here is your follow up question.

A fellow passenger (not me, you will be surprised to know) says to her "That clicking noise is very irritating". Does she respond by saying:

a) Thank you. I am sorry. I did not realise. I will work out how to change it
b) O.K. I will change it some time. I'll just finish this
c) Get a life.
d) Simply ignore him

No prizes for guessing this one.

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