Sunday, December 20, 2009

I only have two wise men

One of the problems of having an apartment in the mountains (go on say it "You're lucky to have a place in the mountains") is that you need to keep two set of most household things. Including Christmas decorations. So we are here in Zurich, with our decorations in Laax in the mountains. This is serious. We hunt though our cellar, hoping to find usual bits and pieces from previous years. Yes - we have enough to get by, except no baubles for the tree (now bought from the Coop) and only two wise men.

I am always curious about the wise men in the Christmas story. How did they know? (Not so much where, as they had a star; but what or who was it they were going to see?) If they saw the hand of God in the star, then they are to be admired. Most of us wouldn't see the Hand of God if it hit us in the back of the head (well, you wouldn't because it would be behind you).

Anyway, I have only two of them. The scene is incomplete. Who ever heard of two wise men? So I have a shepherd of about the same size, and from more than three feet, he blends in perfectly. One of the wise men could have been a part-time shepherd. Who knows.

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