Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Colin is doing a "Sprint Triathlon" - a maths test

Here are two maths and one psychology question. Colin Hawker and Jim Gollan are going to do a Sprint Triathlon on 18 April 2010.


This consists of swimming 600 metres (in an indoor pool), 15 km cycling and 4 km run. Colin is weak on the cycling, so will be coached by Jim.

Question 1 - If Colin can jog at 9 kph hour and Jim thinks that in training he will be cycling 15 - 20 kph faster, how fast does Jim think Colin will be cycling?

Question 2 - If Colin can only cycle at 16 kph (then only in good weather, on good roads, having pumped his tyres up and no wind), how much slower will Colin be from Jim's expectations?

A Psychology Question - How much patience will Jim need when cycling with Colin? None / A Bit / Quaite a Lot / A Huge Amount?

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