Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Prime Numbers get a Raw Deal

A local Zurich free newspaper used to have a slot on "What happened on this date". As a member of the Anti-Prime Number discrimination society, I noticed that for a whole month, no prime number year was ever mentioned. Nothing of note ever happened on (19)17, (19)43 or (19)23 (Sorry Dad).

We don't like prime numbers. 79 is a horrible number. Prime numbers are hard and have rough edges. 66 is such a smooth round number and anyway England won the world cup in 1966. I bet you know that water freezes at 32 degrees(2*2*2*2*2). Telephone numbers with prime numbers in the sequence are so hard to remember.

So sponsor a prime number today. Give them a fair chance. Remember that the Mini (car, not the skirt) was first launched in (19)59. When you see a mini, you think "There goes 59".

In case you were wondering, there are 25 prime numbers between 2 and 99, so there should have been 5 dates in the months newspapers. But prime numbers have friends. The local free newspaper went out of business.

[With Thanks to Martin Mosse for proof reading the Mathematics

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